As this Information age advances, the global barriers are diminishing. Today’s organizations both global and local are interacting with a very diverse set individuals across different cultures and social groups. Cultural diversity not only has a positive impact on the organization culture, but could also be the one to raise conflicting situations. It is very important that people are aware of the communication challenges that arise in such an intercultural environment.
Here are some of the things that to keep in mind while interacting in such business organizations.
- Be aware that people from different cultures/region/country communicate in different ways and that they have different mannerisms. The key to cross-cultural success is to develop an understanding of, and a deep respect for, cultural differences.
- Understand how to read non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements. It has been shown that 55% of one’s communication is non-verbal.
Learn to portray your confident self – watch your body language, non-verbal cues that you send across.
- Watch your communication pace – do not talk too fast or too slow.
- Maintain your voice tone and volume. Make sure the other person hears you well and clear. In some cultures, woman are taught and expected to speak in a soft voice, unlike their male counterparts. But in today’s world, one has to speak up to have their voice heard.
- Articulate your ideas in simple words to make sure others understand it the same way you intend them to. Although English is considered the international language of business, only about half of the people who speak English learned it as their first language.
- Do not use too many filler words such as “aah”, “ooo”, “hmm”, “like”. You will only lose the interest and attention of the other person.
- Ask questions – if you do not understand or need clarification, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
The ability to communicate, negotiate and effectively work with people from other cultures is vital to the success of any person or a business.
2 Comments on “Communication Challenges due to cultural differences”
Nice pointers. You are absolutely right, the world is shrinking and we get more opportunities today to interact with people all over the world. Hence, it pays to learn and respect culture differences and act accordingly.
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